
The Preferences page allows you to customize your whiteboard experience by setting defaults for new boards, configuring tool settings, and enabling optional features. These preferences will apply to all your future sessions.

Accessing the preferences page

To access your preferences, click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the screen, then select Preferences from the dropdown menu.

User selecting Preferences from the profile dropdown

Defaults for a new board

You can set the default appearance and permissions for any new whiteboard created.

Background style: Choose the background style for your whiteboard from options like Adaptive grid, Solid color, Dotted, etc.

Permissions for new joining users: Select the level of access for users who join your board. Options include:

  • Can edit: Users can make changes.
  • Can view: Users can only view the content.
  • No access: Users are denied access.
Default settings for a new board in Preferences

Tool settings

Configure the default styles for your drawing and text tools.

Default pen style: Set your preferred pen color, thickness, and stroke style. This will be the starting style whenever you use the pen tool.

Default text style: Choose your default font style, size, and color for text added to the whiteboard.

Tool settings including pen and text styles

Optional features

The optional features allow you to toggle additional functionalities for your whiteboard experience:

  • Show minimap by default: Enable this to display a minimap on your whiteboard, offering a quick overview of the entire canvas.
  • Enable snapping by default: This feature aligns objects to other objects, making it easier to organize content neatly.
  • Inertial panning: Allows smooth scrolling when moving around the board, providing a more natural panning experience.
Optional features toggles for minimap, snapping, and inertial panning

Saving your preferences

After making any changes, click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page to apply your settings. These changes will be effective the next time you start a new board.