Enhance Your Teaching with iDroo

Keep your students engaged by transforming your teaching methods into an interactive experience with iDroo's powerful platform, designed to captivate and inspire your students.

Why iDroo?

Interactive Whiteboard

  • Real-Time Collaboration
    Engage students with interactive, real-time whiteboard sessions, perfect for live demonstrations, problem-solving, and collaborative projects.
  • Multi-Device Compatibility
    Seamless interaction across tablets, laptops, and smartphones, ensuring flexibility for every learning environment.
Diagram showing 'Knowledge' at the center with branches for Languages, Mathematics & Science, Social Studies, and Health Education, each with relevant icons or text.

Versatile Teaching Tools

  • Drawing and Annotation
    Illustrate and highlight key concepts with intuitive, on-the-go drawing tools.
  • Specialized Equation Tool
    Easily create and display complex equations, simplifying math and science instruction.
  • Resource Integration
    Seamlessly add images, documents, and PDFs to enrich your lessons.

Boost Student Engagement

  • Interactive Features
    Enable real-time student participation with tools for questions, instant feedback, and active lesson contributions.
  • Collaborative Boards
    Promote teamwork and deeper understanding through group activities on shared interactive whiteboards.
Illustration of a classroom with a teacher using an interactive screen at the front, while students sit at desks, engaged in the lesson, with educational materials in the background.

Course Management

Organize course materials, links, and videos into structured lessons. Keep all resources easily accessible in one place.

Integrated Video Calls

Conduct live video sessions directly on the whiteboard, interacting with students face-to-face while collaborating.

Tutors Listing

Showcase your expertise to attract new students. Publish your profile on our Tutors page and grow your tutoring business.
Sign Up for iDroo Today

Join over 10 000 educators

I'm using IDroo for a number of years and very grateful for such an amazing productAlexander
I have been using your platform for several years and recommend it to everyoneVyacheslav
Excellent work tool for our studentsMarcelo