Tutor Profile Settings

The Tutor Profile settings allow you to create a public profile that showcases your expertise and teaching style. A completed profile helps you stand out to potential students and makes it easier for them to contact you through our system.

Why complete your tutor profile?

Your tutor profile will be published on our Tutors page, making it visible to all users looking for a tutor. Having a well-filled profile helps students understand your qualifications, experience, and availability, increasing your chances of being contacted.

When a student is interested, they can send you a message directly through our platform. This message will be forwarded to your registered email address, ensuring your personal contact details remain private and secure.

Accessing the Tutor Profile settings

This feature is available only on higher-tier plans. If you're eligible, navigate to Personal > Tutor profile on the Settings page.

Filling out your profile

Provide details about yourself, including your teaching experience, subjects, and availability. This helps students get to know you and understand what you offer.

Be sure to include:

  • A brief biography to introduce yourself.
  • The subjects and levels you teach.
  • Your teaching experience, qualifications, and methodology.
  • Your availability and lesson pricing.

Toggle the Make profile public option to ensure your profile appears on our Tutors page.

Saving your profile

Once you've filled in all the necessary details, click Save changes to publish your profile. You can update it at any time as your teaching experience or availability changes.